About Us

We inform, help and support the cat carers

At CatBehaviours.com, we’re a dedicated team of cat enthusiasts and medical professionals. With a strong foundation in scientific research on cat behavior, health, and wellness, we’re here to provide you with trustworthy, evidence-based information to ensure your feline companions’ well-being.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between science and everyday cat care, offering expert insights and friendly guidance to cat owners, whether you’re a seasoned pro or new to the world of feline friends.

Inspiring creative work

Welcome to our cat-loving community, where we’re committed to helping you and your cats thrive together!

white cute cat is looking at you

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Are you passionate about your subject and eager to share your expertise with a wider audience? At catbehaviours.com , we welcome aspiring writers and subject matter experts to join our community as guest authors.

Becoming a guest author on our blog offers you the opportunity to showcase your knowledge, connect with our readers, and establish your authority in your field. Whether you have a unique perspective, insightful tips, or engaging stories to share, we invite you to contribute.

Our guidelines are simple and designed to help you shine as a guest author. You’ll have the chance to create content that resonates with our readers, and your work will be promoted through our channels, expanding your reach.